Birds of the North

Birds of the North
から CAD CA$4,650.00
  • 期間: 7 日 (約)
  • 製品コード: NO-BON001
Churchill, Manitoba has long been known as the "Polar bear capital of the world" but is also home to an incredible bird migration in the spring. With three different eco-systems in one location, you can check birds from the Tundra, Boreal Forest and Hudson Bay coastline off of your list in one trip!

Join us and our local Manitoban bird expert for this guided birding trip along our beautiful northern coastline.

You Guide - Heather Hinam 

Dr. Heather Hinam brings combines her almost 30 years of guiding experience with a Ph.D. in ecology to help you experience the world with a sense of wonder underpinned by scientific knowledge. A skilled naturalist, artist, and educator, she has an extensive background in the natural history of most native Manitoban plants and animals, but her specialty is owls. Although no longer a practicing wildlife biologist, Heather completes a number of citizen science bird surveys every year and is an expert at identifying Manitoba birds by sight and sound. 

Common birds to see -

White-crowned sparrow

Pacific loon

Common eider

Hudsonian godwit

Short-billed dowitcher

Bonaparte's gull

Red-necked phalarope

Willow ptarmigan

Arctic Tern

Ross' Goose

Long-tailed duck


Lapland longspur

Blackpoll warbler

Less common birds that can be found around Churchill with some luck/work -

Parasitic Jaeger

Sabine's Gull

Little Gull

Red-throated loon

Golden eagle

Northern hawk-owl

Short-eared owl

Plus many more!


June 1st - 8th (NO#BON2023-1)

June 8th - 15th (NO#BON2023-2)


Return flights between Winnipeg and Churchill

- Accommodation in both Winnipeg and Churchill (Grand Winnipeg Airport Hotel and the Aurora Inn)*

- 4 - 5 day tours (depending on flight arrivals and departures)

- Expert Guide with you from Winnipeg to Winnipeg 

- Airport Transfers in Churchill

- Meals (Breakfasts in Winnipeg, B,L,D in Churchill)

NOT included

- Travel between point of origin and Winnipeg

- Alcohol

- Gratuities

- Other tours


Day 1 - Arrive in Winnipeg and check into the Grand Winnipeg Hotel for the night. 

Day 2 - Fly to Churchill. We will pick you up, check you in then head out for an orientation and possible late afternoon birding tour.

Days 3,4,5 and 6 - Split day birding tours. We will head out early in the morning to catch the morning birds, then take a midday break. Later in the day we will head out again for and evening tour. Bear in mind the daylight hours are very long!

Day 7 - Possibly squeeze in a morning tour before flying back to Winnipeg and checking into the Grand Winnipeg Airport Hotel

Day 8 - Fly home at your leisure!

*Please note 4 bookings are required for the tour to be confirmed. If numbers are not met a full refund will be issued. Order may say "Pending" until enough bookings are made.